What we do at SO'D Parteneur and Project Services Limited

Training & Project Development/Management

Training, management and technical support for projects. Organization development, social entrepreneurship, business development support; project planning, management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting services.

Research and innovation

Participatory research, public health intervention research, participatory innovation/technology development, participatory epidemiology.

Extension Service and Rural Agro-pastoral business development (or business support) services

Services that help farmers and herders to manage and market and link up their business. Examples include market information services, business management training, production and post-harvest handling technologies, legal advice and market linking producers to buyers. Supply, distribution and marketing of agro and related business inputs, products and services, agricultural development, pastoralist development, preventive veterinary medicine; livestock/veterinary extension services.

Missions, Community Development & Humanitarian Support

Missionary, social enterprise and community development projects; public health concerns - prevention/control of zoonotic diseases and other public health issues; livestock-livelihood based humanitarian interventions, community development with focus on participatory processes.


The core values of Spps Limited is community Development, Management and Business Support Services

Our Address

Opposite Federal Low Cost Estate, Apapa, Moniya, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.

Phone & Email

